portrait of a girl

portrait of a girl

I redrew this a couple of times because I was not happy with the result at all.

The drawing shown below was my first attempt, I used it as an experiment. I wanted to find a way to make my pencils look blurry and dreamy. My experiment succeeded, I used a piece of tissue paper to blur out the pencil.

My second attempt at drawing this girl started off strong. I really loved the shading and the form, but as it progressed it lost its likeness. If I could, I would go back in time and stop myself before I continued drawing this because I love this first draft so much.

Here is where the drawing started to lose its likeness. Though at this point it is still very pretty.

(Yes I tape paper to Ipad so I can use it like an old school drafting table)

And here is the completed version of my second attempt. It's not a terrible drawing, but it is more stylized. When I started this drawing I was hoping for a more accurate and realistic look.

Though I love the drawing, the shading, and the hair, it didn't look like the reference photo and left me unsatisfied.

So, after my second attempt, I decided to follow the reference photo more closely.

I love the shading on the face in this drawing. I feel like I captured the beauty of the portrait.

What I would have done differently:

I would have paid more attention to the hair. As I look at the reference photo I see more detail in the hair that I feel would have made the drawing come to life.

I also would have refrained from adding the harsher lines around her neck and face, it would have helped with the shading a lot more and create a more seamless look.